The final project consists of designing and applying an activity in your area of work, based on one of the topics studied in the course.
The work must include the following items:
Topic Explanation
- Name of the selected topic.
- Explanation of the relevance of the topic: cite 3 scientific investigations on this subject that justify their importance in achieving well-being.
Activity design
- Name of the activity.
- Objective.
- Application area: can be collaborators, partners, students, parents, among others.
- Duration of activity.
- Requirements: specify what is required to perform it, materials, place, equipment, among others.
- Instructions to carry out the activity: they must be clear and precise, including the way to organize people.
Activity application
- Results of the application: number of participants, place where it was conducted, comments.
- Conclusions of the participants in the activity in relation to well-being.
General conclusions
- Detailed description of the design and application of the activity aimed at achieving well-being in the area in which you performed the intervention.
- Reflection on whether the activity worked or not and how to improve or modify it.
- Personal reflection on your learning.
Characteristics of the assignment: