Topic 3. Positive Emotions

Activity 3: Identifying positive emotions

Review the readings, links and videos found in the icons on the left bar, before doing the activity on this topic.

  1. Identify in the presentation of positive emotions what emotion corresponds to each of the images.
  2. Select the 4 emotions that you experience most often in your life.
  3. Based on the above, write a reflection that answers the following questions:
    • When was the last time you felt that way?
    • What does each emotion represent for you?
    • What emotion do you like the most?
    • What do you do to cultivate that emotion?
  4. Select one of the positive emotions and in a presentation, include:
    • Definition
    • Different applications in your daily life
  5. Upload your reflection and presentation in the corresponding space.

Deliverable: reflection that answers the questions (2 pages) and a presentation in PowerPoint format.

  1. Reflection that complies with the aforementioned.
  2. Presentation that includes the definition and applications of one of the emotions.