Work according to the values of TecMilenio University and disseminate them among the students: Integrity, Global Vision, Innovation, Teamwork and Human Sense.
Take into account the differentiators of TecMilenio University: educational experience tailored to the students, learning by doing and the best place to study and prepare them to be happy.
Be effective guides in the teaching-learning process, to facilitate the development of competences in students.
Integrate the use of technology as a tool.
Comply with the program and agenda of the course in its entirety.
Comply with the schedule established in the case of classroom courses.
Evaluate the knowledge acquired by students on a regular basis, with the purpose of ensuring the development of competences.
Provide feedback in a timely manner to students.
Capture the qualifications of each of the evaluable Activities.
Prepare their course by reviewing the information and making sure that all the means work, in order to avoid setbacks or foresee them.
Promote research in primary and reliable sources, such as the digital library.
Report errors found in the courses and make suggestions for improvement.
Los criterios establecidos para la Deshonestidad Académica (DA), son regidos por los artículos 73, 74, 75, 76 y 77 del Reglamento Académico de la Universidad Tecmilenio.