- Look for a notebook that you will use specifically for this activity. Preferably a nice journal or notebook that you enjoy seeing.
- Every night, before you go to sleep, write in your notebook between 3 and 5 things that you feel grateful for that day.
- Do it for 5 days.
- At the end of the week, write a reflection of approximately 1 to 3 pages explaining how it was for you to keep the gratitude journal. The reflection must include the following points:
- Why is gratitude important for life?
- What was your experience in making the gratitude journal?
- Did this exercise have any effect for a week? Which one?
- If the exercise did not work, what do you attribute it to?
- Upload in the corresponding space the reflection on the gratitude journal (not the diary or a description of what you wrote in it, this must be private).
Deliverable: Document with reflection about the experience of carrying out the exercise.
Important: Submit your activity through the Delivery of tasks section.