Think about your closest friends
What are some of the qualities that you like most about them? What aspects of your personality do you think they appreciate most?
Maybe you thought, for example, that Carlos is generous, that Alicia has a sense of humor, or that you are a fair person. It is likely that both the things you like about others, and the things they value about you, are character strengths.
In this topic we will talk about what these character strengths are, how they have been studied and the importance they have for well-being.
5.1 What are character strengths?
The word character comes from the Greek kharakter means "mark". When we talk about the character of a person, we refer to the set of qualities that distinguish them, which are the "brand" or the "personal seal" of someone. In Mexico, we sometimes say that someone is "strong-willed" or has a ¨strong character¨ when he or she is an angry or dominant person. We do not mean that when we talk about character strengths in psychology, but rather the positive qualities discussed in the following sections.
For many years, psychology has studied what did not work in people's lives, their difficulties and weaknesses. Psychologists in their training usually have to study several subjects of psychopathology, but rarely study what characterizes people who are very well and live fully.
The Manual of Sanities
There is a very famous book called the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) that collects a long list of mental disorders. In its most recent edition (DSM-V) it has been strongly criticized and rejected by some professional organizations such as the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health).
Doctors Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson, two important researchers and pioneers of positive psychology, proposed that just as there was a manual on psychological problems, it would be desirable to have a "manual of the sanities", a book that compiled and classified the strengths of people (Peterson and Seligman, 2004).
Character strengths are different from talents: talents generally refer to abilities that are relatively automatic or innate, which may have an important biological component; for example, having a perfect ear (like people who are never out of tune, or who hear a melody for the first time and can play it immediately), the ability to run fast or great motor coordination.
Character strengths, on the other hand, are moral qualities: they have to do with the exercise of our will. They are observed in the way we behave, in the things we do, in how we relate to others and something very important: we can cultivate and develop them.
5.2 The VIA Classification of Character Strengths
After having many conversations with colleagues and reviewing various historical sources, including professional books and literary works, the Peterson and Seligman team came up with a list of 24 character strengths, which are grouped into 6 great virtues.
The virtues are general or abstract, while the strengths are the "psychological ingredients" (Peterson and Seligman, 2004) that constitute a virtue, what a person does that demonstrates that virtue. For example, a virtue may be wisdom and a character strength that helps to achieve wisdom is curiosity. In the following document, read about the 6 basic virtues that Peterson and Seligman (2004) propose, each of which integrates a group of strengths.
5.3 The Importance of Character Strenghts for Wellbeing
If you remember, the five components of well-being for Seligman (2011) are positivity, involvement, good interpersonal relationships, having a meaningful life and having and achieving goals (PERMA). All these elements of well-being are surrounded or colored by character strengths. Perseverance is a strength that can contribute to the achievement and completion of goals. On the other hand, the ability to love and be loved could help to build good interpersonal relationships.
What aspect of well-being do you think the strength of humor contributes to? What component of well-being do you think the strength of spirituality is related to?
There is no recipe; different strengths can help us cultivate each of the elements of well-being. I invite you to think about how your most important character strengths contribute to your happiness.
There is a lot of evidence that shows that knowing and using our strengths can contribute to a full life. Studies indicate that using a character strength in a different way than usual for a short period increases happiness levels and reduces the symptoms of depression for months (Gander, Proyer, Ruch, & Wyss, 2013; Mongrain & Anselmo-Matthews , 2012; Seligman, Steen, Park & Peterson, 2005) It has been seen that people who can use their character strengths at work are more satisfied with what they do and experience greater well-being (Littman-Ovadía & Steger, 2010; Harzer & Ruch, 2013).
In the educational field it has been found that adolescents who participate in programs in which they know and apply their strengths, enjoy school more and are more involved in their school activities (Seligman, Ernst, Gillham, Reivich, & Linkins, 2009).
Reverse Causality
Click on the icon to watch the video
VIAStrengths (2011, 15 feb.) Dr. Ed Diener on Happiness and Character Strengths
[Video file]. Recuperado de
In the following video, Ed Diener, Ph.D., ("Dr. Happy"), talks about his research on happiness, which spans more than three decades.
The author analyzes the link of "reverse causality" between positive emotions and positive character.
One of the goals of positive psychology is to study the best of human beings. Part of "the best" of people are character strengths: those desirable qualities that are valued in different cultures, depend on us and can be developed.
The result was a taxonomy of 6 virtues composed of 24 strengths, called the VIA classification. These authors also developed a questionnaire or test that allows people, free of charge, to know their character strengths. The research evidence indicates that knowing and, above all, using our strengths at work, at school and in our personal relationships, contributes to our well-being. Until recently, in psychology there was no effort to systematize the study of the positive aspects of personality. Seligman and Peterson (2004) conducted the first classification of character strengths and a compilation of the investigations that had been done so far on these.
What are your character strengths?
If you have the concept of character strengths in mind and you can recognize those of others, what effect could it have on your personal and work life?
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