Activity 5: Profile of my strengths

Review the readings, links and videos found in the icons in the left bar, before doing the activity on this topic.

  1. Answer the VIA Character Strength Questionnaire. It is available, in​

  2. Click on the link and sign up.

  3. When you finish answering the questionnaire, print your results.

  4. Write a report in which you indicate which are your 5 most important strengths according to the VIA test and answer the following questions:
    • What do you think about your results? Do you feel that they correctly reflect your strongest character strengths?
    • If yes, why?
    • If no, why? What strength would you have thought would come out higher?
    • Were you surprised by any of the results? Why?

  5. Describe a way in which you usually apply one of your 5 main strengths in your daily life.

  6. Upload the activity report in the corresponding space.

Deliverable:  Report answering each of the questions about your strengths.

  1. Answer to the questions about your strengths.
  2. Description of the application of strengths in daily life.
  3. Image of the screen where it is shown that the happiness and wellbeing questionnaire was answered.