Activity 6: Story of a person in flow

Review the readings, links and videos found in the icons on the left bar, before completing the activity on this topic.

  1. Look for a real example of a person who performs an activity in which you can see that flow occurs.
  2. Document the case.
  3. Explain how flow characteristics are applied in the activity.
  4. When the person controls and masters the challenges he has to face in that activity, what's next?
  5. Write a report that includes:
    • Clear description of the situation in which the selected person experiences flow.
    • Observed flow characteristics in that activity.
    • Description of an activity in which you experience flow.
  6. Upload your activity in the corresponding space.

Deliverable: Report

  1. Case documentation.
  2. Clear explanation of flow characteristics in the case.
  3. Description of an activity in which you experience flow.