Actividad 8: Randy Pausch

Review the readings, links and videos found in the icons in the left bar, before completing the activity on this topic.

  1. Find a quiet place where you can watch this video:

    Click on the icon to watch the video

    Carnegie Mellon University. (2007, December 20). Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams [Video file].
    Retrieved from:

  1. After watching the video, write a brief reflection (two pages):
    • What are you thinking and feeling after listening to Prof. Pausch?
    • What do you feel like doing?
    • What does it inspire you to do?
  2. Upload your activity in the corresponding space.

Deliverable: Report that includes the reflection on Dr. Pausch's conference and the answer to the 3 questions about the experience of watching the video.

Important: Submit your activity through the Homework upload section.

  1. Reflection on the conference
  2. Answers to the three questions.
* Remember to advance on your evidence.