Competence of the certificate:
To identify and analyze the most important theoretical and practical elements for the companies in the international business environment.
You supervise the international development of a Mexican organic cosmetics company based in Mexico. Thanks to innovative products in skin care, your company has successfully entered the Latin America markets, and more recently, has started to sell its products in North America.
It now seems advisable to expand in Europe and Asia. You must convince the members of the general management of your company that it is time to conquest the European and Asian markets. Imagine you must prepare a PowerPoint presentation with your export plan.
Key concept:
An export plan helps you to understand facts, constraints, and goals around your international effort. Use it to create specific objectives, decide on implementation schedules, and mark the milestones of your success. It can also motivate your team to reach goals.
Completing an international business plan helps you to anticipate future goals, assemble facts, identify constraints and create an action statement. It should set forth specific objectives and implement a timetable and milestones. A strategy for entering or expanding into targeted markets is critical to your success in the global marketplace.
Elements of an export plan
As you develop an export plan, consider the following questions for each market. This Sample Outline of an Export Plan can help you organize your work.
Evaluation criteria: