
Activity objective

To identify the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector in Latin America.


Tourism has been one of the economy’s fastest and hardest hit sectors that contributes to the economic growth of Latin America.

As an important leader and part of a touristic company, you must define an action plan to work on the next steps for this industry.

Elected leaders from around the world are doing their best to provide certainty to their citizens. Leaders who can communicate   facts clearly, provide steady guidance, and help us to remember that we will get through this together.

Answer the following questions and define an action plan to increase and define the next steps for the touristic industry:

  1. Where do most of the tourists who visit tourist places in Latin America come from?
  2. What are the current travel restrictions?
  3. What are the current guidelines for tours?
  4. Where are people required to wear a facemask?
  5. How will the hotel industry and the time-sharing market change?
  6. How do we measure sustainability in tourism?
  7. If resources continue to deplete in the long run, how can we ensure that tourism will be sustainable?
  8. What should we be doing during this time of crisis?
  9. Should we stop marketing our destinations?
  10. Should we stop the long-term tourism plan and create a new one?
