Activity objective
To make use of the available resources to take advantage of a positive business environment in a country.
Mexico has already signed a free trade agreement with the European Union, nevertheless, we still have a significant trade deficit with that economic bloc. What kind of opportunities are Mexican businesses missing there?
Check the following web tool: Practical guide to do business in Europe.
- Browse and find the requisites for imported goods into the European Union regarding consumer guarantees. Take note of those imposed by Sweden and Finland.
- Look for three Mexican companies from different industries that could export to these two countries and justify your choice.
- Write three memos to the CEO of each company regarding applicable consumer guarantees and the additional services they must offer and comply with. Be concise.
- The student justifies the reason for choosing those Mexican companies.
- The student adds accurate and relevant information about the consumer guarantees.
- The student writes the three memos and insight on required additional services.