
Activity objective

To be able to spot hot economic poles around Asia that are worth to do business in there.


For Asian cities, to overcome infrastructure remains the main challenge to be more competitive and the governments are involved in such process. Let's suppose that you work for a Mexican company that produces final goods and it is interested in exporting them to Asia, but its main concern has to do with local and regional distribution channels and operations (where infrastructure plays a key role). Then your boss asks you to:

  1. Analyze the business landscape in Asia, citing important current events and economic figures by country. What can you tell your boss about the economy of Asia?
  2. Select and evaluate the most business-worthy economic locations in terms of their ease of importing Mexican consumer goods. Which ones might be good fits? Explain your selection.
  3. Propose five Asian destinations (cities or regions) that provide the best logistics infrastructure for the distribution of imported goods and trace the best international commercial route they could use for the optimization of the whole process. Explain your selection.
