Module 3 / Week 12
To analyze existing environments and present a feasible business opportunity for a real Mexican company looking to expand their business in Europe or Asia.
Complete the following sections:
Section1. Read and learn!
First, researchon Global Production, Outsourcing, and Logistics.Jot down the most important ideas,and compose a report covering at least these five points:
Section2. Searchfor sourcing opportunities in Europe /Asia
Europe or Asia? Choose oneof these continental markets, based on your own professional interests, and write an executive brief on its current business environments.
Then,do some research and select onerelevantindustryripe for multinational business. Help yourself with Porter’s value chain concept for an industry analysis:
Eby, K. (2018). How Your Business Can Benefit from Value Chain Modeling. Retrieved from
Also, include the current main sourcing countriesin that continent for that industry, and integrate all your findings in a diagram.
Deliverables (section 1 and 2):
Section3. Select a Mexican sourcing company
Now search forlocalMexican innovativecompaniesthat may be suitable tothe sourcing needs of thatspecificindustryyou selected in Section2. It could be software, logistics, manufacturing components, or many others. Pay attention to the industry best practices and specific requirements to consider,then make a checklist and reduce your search to 3 or 5 companies to choose from. You may follow this suggestiononhowtobuildachecklist:
Mind Tools. (2020). Carter's 10 Cs of Supplier Evaluation. Retrieved from
Section4. Find a European or Asian partner
Select areliable businesspartner for this company in the continental market you chose in Section2 (Asia or Europe).You canget ideas bybrowsing onlineforbusiness/vendors exposhappening around the world, consultingbusiness directories,government databases,or through other online resources such asLinkedIn,, or many others. You can also interview someone who is actively working in thatindustry, for guidance.
Once you select the business partner, look for the company’shistory and otherdetailed information and analyze how it relates to the prevailing business environment in the country it is from.
To be aware of the differences in manufacturing costs worldwide, check out the latest edition of the Chartbook of International Labor Comparisons:
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2012). International Labor Comparisons. Retrieved from Labor
Then, identify the hourly compensation costs for manufacturing workers in the country you selected and compare them to Mexico’s.
Also, assess the trade logistics environment and performance of thatcountry, based on the most recent World Bank's Logistics Performance Index:
The World Bank. (2015). Welcome to the LPI 2018. Retrieved from
Prepare an executive summary highlighting your key findings andexplaining how this information is useful while building a competitive supply chain network.
Deliverables (sections 3 and 4):
Section 5. Blueprint of aninternational supply-chain strategy
Design acreativestrategy for thisMexican company to expand successfully in Asia or Europe. It is important to support your proposalwithrelevantfacts andeconomicfigures,diagrams, news pieces,insightfulinterviews(if necessary), and serious sector analysis.Go back to the textbook if needed.Make sure you can answer these four questions:a)What would the strategic objective of the Mexican companybe?Explain.b)Would it be convenient to forma strategic alliance?Why or why not?c)If so, what are the potential benefits and risks for both parties?d)What is the best supply chain strategy to follow and why?
Deliver your progress based on the evaluation criteria shown in the following rubric.