Welcome to International Business Management. It is divided into three modules. In module one you will learn about Globalization Businesses Marketplaces and their Cultural Differences. First, let’s define “Globalization”. Therefore, we need to understand that “Globalization is transforming industries with advances in technology, lower transportation costs, and a higher sophistication in workforce demographics, and creating anxiety among those who believed their jobs were protected from foreign competition (both in the manufacturing and service industries).
In module two you will learn about Research and Development. The highly competitive markets of today require heavy investments in research and development (commonly known as R&D) to create added value for the goods you want to sell. Most of the success of a company, however, not only relies in its capacity to deliver added value, but also in its ability to create value chains to make the best out of their investment to produce a good or a service.
In the last module, you will learn that a business environment in a certain region deserves a lot of attention when it comes to single countries. In East Asia, for instance, there is still a favorable environmental policy but the economy in the region is experiencing a setback mainly driven by China, and the same happens in the European Union. However, single countries within those regions experience far greater challenges of many kinds, such as Greece, Spain, France, and Italy, all of them coping with public deficits and immigration.