

To understand the importance of defining life purpose.


In this topic, you will delve into subjects that will help you better understand the definition of life purpose.


Click here to review the explanation.

Additional Resources

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  1. In the following table, describe three activities that you enjoy the most, or you considered yourself skillful enough to do so.
Activity Emotion Frequency Motivation













  1. Reflect on the following:
What type of emotions do these activities make you feel? How often do you accomplish them? If that is the case, what motivates you to do these activities more frequently?










  1. Think of your social relationships and describe them on this circular graph:
    The main circle (1) represents you, whereas the circle 2 represents important people in your life (the ones that you lean on in difficult moments or for sharing good news). Finally, the third circle represents the people you know but do not consider close to you.

  2. Considering that you are in the first circle, continue with circle number 2 and write the names of important people in your life. On circle number 3, write the names of people you would turn to in case that people in circle number 2 are not available.

  1. Reflect on the following:
    1. Do not you think that it would be ideal to let people in gradually from circle three to circle two?
    2. What would you do to include people in this circle?

This practice reveals the importance of nurturing positive relationships. Therefore, as you include people in your closest circle, the probability that the person does the same to you is greater.


Make sure to:

  • Reflect on the importance of positive relationships and their impact.
  • Identify the emotions you experience when engaging in different activities.

After reviewing the readings, resources, and the activity, proceed to the next topic.