Management of Care / 07
Make sure to:
Registered nurses often enroll in nursing schools with the aspiration of being in a profession where they provide care to the sick. After completing a few semesters in their program of study, they come to realize that nursing encompasses more than just tending to the health needs of their clients. It also includes concepts such as management and conflict resolution.
In this learning experience, the learner will gain insights into important components of management, specifically in terms of identifying and managing conflicts and evaluating management outcomes.
5.1 Conflict Management
According to Burke (2023), conflicts should be expected in situations where a group of individuals is in a relationship, as each person is likely to hold different opinions and/or beliefs. Conflicts frequently manifest as mistrust among team members, disruptions in workflow, and disharmony. However, if conflicts are resolved in a “healthy” manner, individuals would experience personal growth and development, and they would be able to thrive in an environment that values and appreciates diversity, creativity, and innovation. The nurse responsible for managing clients and a healthcare team needs to be able to recognize and resolve conflict. A wealth of information is available on conflict stages, management, and resolution. Burke (2023) outlines the stages of conflict, and its resolution as follows:
The nurse in charge can effectively manage conflicts using strategies such as:
Be cautious of ineffective strategies, such as:
5.2 Care Team Members Responsibilities and Roles
Registered nurses managing care teams must be knowledgeable about the roles and responsibilities of their interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary team members. While this requirement may initially provoke anxiety, advanced technology provides the nurse with easy access to such information. Typically, this information is available online through the healthcare facility's intranet.
5.3 Evaluation of Outcome and Management
The registered nurse in a management role should consistently evaluate the effectiveness and impact of their decisions and actions on clients, clients’ families, and healthcare team members. According to Burke (2023), this evaluation can be accomplished by asking the following questions:
Upon completion of this learning experience, learners will better understand how to create a healthy environment for clients, families, and healthcare teams. Such understanding enhances their ability to apply strategies for identifying and managing conflict effectively.
The provided resources will enable learners to expand their knowledge and become proficient in management skills. This includes understanding the stages of conflict, conflict resolution, and management outcomes. The ultimate goals for learners include achieving success in both the NCLEX examination and in the workplace.
After reviewing the resources, it is advisable to pinpoint specific areas for improvement and concentrate efforts on those areas.
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Level Up RN. (2022, December 15). Conflict Management Fundamentals of Nursing – Leadership [Video]. YouTube.
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