Health Promotion and Maintenance / 09
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Nurses, as integral members of multidisciplinary healthcare teams, are responsible for providing healthcare to clients across their lifespans. Therefore, they require a comprehensive understanding of the growth and development of clients of various ages and the ability to integrate this knowledge into their practice. It is essential to tailor nursing care plans to accommodate age-specific changes and developmental stages of clients. Additionally, educating clients is crucial to enhance their understanding of the care they receive.
Clients may experience changes related to body image, which can significantly affect their social, psychological, and physical health (Burke, 2023). Burke (2023) highlights the importance of assisting clients in navigating these changes. Kaplan Nursing (2023) introduces the concepts of “expected development (physical, psychosocial/cognitive), deviations, and special needs” as a framework to present this information. Expected development refers to the normal growth and developmental milestones that should be achieved. Deviations encompass common abnormalities that require modifications in care and follow-up, including referrals to specialists. Nurses can optimize client health by incorporating information about special needs into each individual’s nursing care plan.
This learning experience provides the learner with knowledge regarding the growth and development of clients across their lifespans, emphasizing how to effectively integrate this knowledge into clinical practice.
1.1 Growth and Development of the Child
Table 1 presents an overview of a child’s growth and development, using Kaplan Nursing (2023) concepts of “expected development (physical, psychosocial/cognitive), deviations, and special needs”. The discussion is sequenced beginning with the infant, progressing to the preschooler, and concluding with the school-age child. It is crucial to conduct thorough assessments for each child and to report any observed deviations to the appropriate healthcare provider. Nurses should be prepared to provide education to parents or guardians about all necessary follow-up actions, interventions, and available resources. Effectively incorporating each child's special needs into nursing care plans is essential for promoting their health.
Table 1
Growth and Development of Children
Adapted from Burke, A. (2023). Developmental Changes and Transitions: NCLEX-RN.
1.2 Growth and Development of the Adolescent Client
Nurses providing healthcare services to adolescents, a group spanning from ages 13 to 18 as defined by Kaplan Nursing (2023), must recognize the unique challenges of this developmental stage. It is essential for nurses to assess how these individuals perceive themselves and their influence of their peers on their behavior. Support, referrals, and resources that should be readily available when deviations from typical development are evident. Furthermore, adolescents should receive educational encouragement to engage in activities that promote their well-being. One tangible method for nurses to positively impact adolescent healthcare is through active participation in committees that create policies and procedures, as well as make decisions regarding healthcare services to adolescents.
In terms of developmental stages, Kaplan Nursing (2023) highlights the following areas for adolescent clients:
Physical Development:
Psychosocial and Cognitive Development:
Special Needs:
1.3 Growth and Development of the Adult Client
Adulthood is characterized by significant transitions and declines, making it crucial for nurses to assist their adult clients in navigating these changes smoothly and maintaining optimal health. An overview of adult growth and development is presented in Table 2 using Kaplan Nursing (2023) concepts of “expected development (physical, psychosocial/cognitive), deviations, and special needs”. The discussion progresses from adults to older adults, concluding with the very old adult. It is important for nurses to assess each adult, reporting any deviations observed to the appropriate healthcare provider. Nurses should also be prepared to educate the clients and/or their families/caregiver about all necessary follow-ups, interventions, and resources. Integrating client’s special needs into nursing care plans is essential for promoting their health.
Table 2
Growth and Development of Adults
Adapted from Burke, A. (2023). Developmental Changes and Transitions: NCLEX-RN.
To conclude, the learner has acquired information to gain deeper insight into the effect of knowledge regarding growth and development across the lifespan, from infancy to very old adulthood, on nursing care.
The resources will increase competence in clinical practice with the aim of aiding success on the NCLEX examination and in the workplace.
After reviewing the resources, identify the specific areas for improvement and concentrate on them.
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