Psychosocial Integrity / Topic 1
Make sure to:
Clients entering healthcare settings may feel overwhelmed due to the fast pace and the abundance of activities and communications in the environment. Nurses and other healthcare team members can support these clients by creating a therapeutic environment and facilitating therapeutic communication.
In this learning experience, learners will gain knowledge about establishing a therapeutic environment and communication, focusing on assessing their client's environment, understanding their communication needs, and providing therapeutic communication.
1.1 Assessment of Clients' Environment
Nurses must assess their clients' environment for hazards that could adversely impact their physical and psychological safety and well-being (Burke, 2023). According to Burke (2023), it is important to:
1.2 Assessment of Communication Needs of Clients
Nurses and their clients are in constant communication, and it is important for this communication to be effective. When assessing their clients' communication needs, nurses must recognize that clients communicate in various ways:
Numerous factors can hinder effective communication. Burke (2024) provides insight into the specific needs of clients and strategies to foster effective communication between nurses and their clients. These considerations include:
1.3 Therapeutic Communication
Nurses employ therapeutic communication to comprehend and foster a positive relationship with their clients (Kaplan Nursing, 2023). Therapeutic communication should be:
Nurses can utilize the therapeutic communication techniques described by Burke (2024) with their clients:
Consistently strive to foster therapeutic communications with all clients, continually encouraging them to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Avoid the following:
Upon conclusion of this learning experience, the learner will acquire a comprehensive understanding of the importance of creating a therapeutic environment and communication for their clients. The objectives include aiding in the successful completion of the NCLEX examination and enhancing performance in the workplace.
After reviewing the resources, identify the specific areas for improvement and concentrate on them.
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