Psychosocial Integrity / Topic 9
Make sure to:
In healthcare facilities, there are clients who are nearing the end of their lives and choose not to pursue curative treatments or interventions. It is crucial for nurses to offer support to these clients, as well as to their family members and their caregivers, throughout what can be a brief or extended journey.
In this learning experience, learners will acquire knowledge about end-of-life care, concentrating on evaluating their clients' ability to cope, understanding the unique needs of each client, and providing psychological support to their families and caregivers.
9.1 Assess Each Clients' Ability to Cope
Nurses who provide care to clients at the end of their lives are responsible for identifying and managing their physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs, as well as their cultural and religious needs (Burke, 2023). Subsequently, nurses develop care plans and intervene, continually assessing both the client's and their family's ability to cope (Burke, 2023). This ability to cope is influenced by personal, cultural, and religious values (Kaplan Nursing, 2023).
Nurses aim to assess various needs as outlined by Kaplan Nursing (2023) and discuss coping strategies and skills with their clients, families, and caregivers, all while adhering to the policies of their healthcare facility.
Additionally. When clients are unable to fulfill their roles within their families, nurses play a vital role in assisting them to cope with this eminent loss and transition (Burke, 2023).
9.2 Identify Individual Client Needs
Nurses must recognize the unique needs of their clients who are nearing the end of their lives. These needs often pertain to comfort and dignity, as well as specific end-to-life considerations (Burke, 2023). Clients may need nurses to:
The peri-death process, as described by Burke (2023), encompasses three distinct phases:
Creating an emotionally supportive environment is crucial for nurses, where clients and their families can openly express their fears, concerns, and worries. Additionally, it is important to facilitate opportunities for clients and their families to spend as much time together as they wish and as is feasible, always in line with the policies of the healthcare facility.
9.3 Psychosocial Support to Family and Caregiver
It is essential for nurses to offer and provide psychological support to the families and caregivers of their clients (Burke, 2023).
Clients and/or their families may decide to receive hospice or palliative care over treatments aimed at prolonging life (Burke, 2023). In these settings, nurses work as a part of an interdisciplinary team to deliver round-the-clock healthcare, focusing on symptom management and analgesic care, while also supporting the family.
Caregivers often feel overwhelmed or fearful due to the peri-death process they witness caring for their loved ones (Burke, 2023). They may also face psychological and physical stressors during the caregiving process. Nurses can support these caregivers by guiding them to community resources, such as respite care and support groups, to alleviate their burden (Burke, 2023).
Upon completing this learning experience, learners will have acquired comprehensive knowledge in end-of-life care. The main objectives are to prepare them for successful performance on the NCLEX examination and to enhance their clinical practice skills.
After going through the provided resources, learners should identify specific areas where they need further improvement. Focusing on these areas will significantly increase their competence in delivering end-of-life care to clients.
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