Sreedharan, S. (2009). La nueva era del marketing digital. México: McGraw - Hill Interrameticana
Este recurso se encuentra disponible de manera gratuita en la Biblioteca digital
Greenberg, E. y Kates, A. (2014). Strategic Digital Marketing. EUA: McGraw-Hill Education. Capítulo 4.
ISBN: 978-0-07-181951-0
Hollenber, J. (2014). Laying the Groundwork. In Love at First Site: How to build the website of your dreams (1st ed., Vol. 1). Sydney, Australia: Five by Five Online Marketing Pty.
Krug, S. (2014). Don't make me think!: A common sense approach to Web usability (3rd ed.). Berkeley, Calif: New Riders Pub. Capítulos 9 y 11.
ISBN: 978-9-321-96551-6
Ryan, D. y Jones, C. (2012). Understanding Digital Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation. Kogan Page Limited. London, United Kingdom. Capítulo 5.
ISBN: 978 0 7494 6428