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Artículos recomendados de Biblioteca digital:
Champion, D. (2001). Mastering the Value Chain, Harvard Business School Publication Corp.,108-115.
Porter, M. E., 1996, What Is Strategy?. Harvard Business Review, (74), p. 61-78.
Innovation Tools (s.f.) Make yourself obsolete or your competitors will. Innovations Solutions. Recuperado de
Lawler, E. and Worley, C. (2006). Built to Change: How to Achieve Sustained Organizational Effectiveness. USA: Jossey Bass.
Lawler, E. (2008). Talent: Making People Your Competitive Advantage. USA: Jossey Bass.
Porter, M. (1985). Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance. USA: Free Press.
Porter, M. (2013) Why business can be good at solving social problems. TED Ideas worth spreading. Recuperado de
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