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Ballou, R. H. (2004). Business logistics/Supply chain management : planning, organizing, and controlling the supply chain. (5a ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Capitulos: 9, 11 y 12

Optiwayglobal (S/F). Nine ways warehousing adds value. Optiwaygloba. Recuperado de

Faint, R. (2011). How warehousing adds value. Supply Chain, Logistics and supply chain technology. Recuperado de

Frazelle, E. (2001).  World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling. (s. l.): McGraw-Hill.

Richards, G. (2011). Warehouse Management: A complete guide to improving efficiency and minimizing costs in the modern warehouse. (s. l.): Kogan Page Limited.