Tema 2. El coaching para el bienestar ocupacional
Videos educativos
Lecturas: revistas, artículos, recursos educativos abiertos
- Leach, C. J., Green, L. S., & Grant, A. M. (2011, 1 febrero). Flourishing Youth Provision: The Potential Role of Positive Psychology and Coaching in Enhancing Youth Services. https://doaj.org/article/a8927034fb204cf7b7cb5a3807ca2b9b
- Ladegård, G. (2011, 1 febrero). Stress management through workplace coaching: The impact of learning experiences. https://doaj.org/article/3cbe468403024ba4ac45fdd7d0f2fdbb
- Jackson, S., & Bourne, D. J. (2020). Can an online coaching programme facilitate behavioural change in women working in STEM fields. International Coaching Psychology Review, 15(1), 20-36. Recuperado de https://researchportal.coachingfederation.org/Document/Pdf/abstract_3510