Management of Care / 07
Make sure to:
Nurses may have different beliefs and opinions distinct from those of their clients and healthcare team members. Nevertheless, these differences should not hinder them from providing competent, high-quality, evidence-based care to clients within a safe environment for all.
This learning experience provides the learner with knowledge concerning ethical considerations that impact them professionally and influence their clinical practice.
7.1 Code of Ethics
Registered nurses practicing in the United States are expected to adhere to the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics. According to Burke (2023) the document consists of information related to:
7.2 Steps of Ethical Decision-making
Kaplan Nursing (2023) provides a systematic approach for nurses to address any ethical dilemma they encounter. First, define the problem by describing the ethical dilemma and presenting the relevant facts. Secondly, collect data by reviewing the code of ethics, evidence-based practice publications, published professional declaratory statements, position papers, and literature. Then, organize and analyze the collected data. Next, carefully consider all possible solutions, select the one, and implement it. Finally, evaluate the effectiveness of the action(s). The information is also summarized in Table 1.
Table 1
Steps in Ethical Decision-Making
Adapted from Burke, A. (2023). Ethical Practice: NCLEX-RN.
7.3 Ethical Dilemmas Related to Client and Staff
Since ethical dilemmas are inevitable in nursing practice, registered nurses must be familiar with ethical principles and apply them during interactions with their clients and healthcare team members. For example, according to Burke (2023), some nurses may face challenges when caring for clients seeking an abortion, both during and after the procedure. On the other hand, a client may request a nurse’s assistance in their end-of-life suicide. Table 2 outlines the ethical principles along with their definitions.
Table 2
Ethical Principles and their Definitions
Adapted from Burke, A. (2023). Ethical Practice: NCLEX-RN.
To conclude, the learner has acquired information to gain enhanced insight into ethical considerations specific to the Code of Ethics and managing ethical dilemmas involving clients and healthcare team members.
The resources provided aim to enhance proficiency in applying the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics in clinical practice, with the goals of aiding success in the NCLEX examination and in the workplace.
After reviewing the resources, identify the specific areas for improvement and concentrate on those particular areas.
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