Management of Care / 07
Make sure to:
Registered nurses are expected to advocate for their clients and their families in an objective manner. It is important to inform clients and their families that, while in the healthcare facility, their beliefs, culture, and wishes will be respected. Demonstrate this commitment by ensuring that the environment fosters education about their proposed treatment plan, allowing them to make their own decisions.
This learning experience provides the learner with knowledge about how the registered nurses and staff fulfill their role as client advocates, focusing specifically on maintaining confidentiality and privacy, as well as facilitating informed decision-making.
8.1 Confidentiality and Privacy
It is very important to always maintain client confidentiality and privacy. The nurse should always:
8.2 Informed Decision-making by Clients
Clients and their families entering healthcare facilities bring diverse culture, beliefs, knowledge, and opinions. Registered nurses (RNs) are expected to ensure that the rights and interests of their clients are respected and adhered to (Kaplan Nursing, 2023). One way to facilitate this is through informed decision-making by clients. For this to occur, RNs or their designee must discuss all treatment options with them. According to Burke (2023), before a procedure/treatment is performed, the nurse should discuss the following with the client and/or family, as indicated:
8.3 Assessment of Team Members’ Knowledge of Client Advocacy
It is crucial to assess healthcare team members’ knowledge about advocacy (Burke, 2023). Assist team members in advocating for their clients and/or families and integrating advocacy into their clinical practice. Ensure that they understand their responsibilities and roles as advocates, clients’ rights regarding autonomy and decision-making without coercion, the right to refuse or receive treatment, and how to identify and utilize resources during advocacy (Burke, 2023).
Clients and/or their families may need referrals to experts (Burke, 2023; Kaplan Nursing, 2023), or professional interpreters if they do not understand English as their primary language (Burke, 2023). Consider experts such as clergy, home health agency, occupational and/or physical therapists, or social worker (Burke, 2023). Finally, be mindful of the healthcare facility’s policies and procedures regarding referrals (Burke, 2023).
By the conclusion of this learning experience, the learner will have enhanced their understanding of advocacy. The provided resources will additionally broaden your knowledge and proficiency in advocating for clients and/or their families, with the ultimate objectives of achieving success on the NCLEX examination and in clinical practice.
Following the review of the resources, identify specific areas for improvement and concentrate on those areas.
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