Safety and Infection Control / 08
Make sure to:
Nurses collaborate with healthcare team members to ensure the safety of their clients in diverse healthcare service settings including hospitals, clinics, and homes.
This learning experience will instruct learners on assessing their clients’ environments for potential health and well-being hazards, prevent injuries, and ensuring the security of their clients.
2.1 Environmental Assessment
Nurses and other healthcare team members bear the responsibility of ongoing assessment of their clients’ environments for potential health hazards, making necessary modifications to ensure safety. It is important to educate clients, their families, and caregivers about deficits, assisting them with necessary modifications and improvements. The areas under assessment encompass extrinsic/environmental factors such as lighting and mobility assistive devices, as well as intrinsic client characteristics such as age, cognition, diseases, and disabilities (Burke, 2023a). If the client at home, access to emergency phone number(s) is imperative (Burke, 2023a).
Nurses are expected to adhere to safety policies and procedures in every healthcare environment, with hospital and ambulatory settings representing more controlled environments compared to homes. Therefore, the focus of environmental assessment will be on evaluating the client’s home.
According to Burke (2023a), specific areas in the home that should be assessed include:
2.2 Injury Prevention
Healthcare facility administrators dedicate time to establishing policies and procedures aimed at preventing injuries to their clients. It is the nurse’s responsibility to strictly adhere to these facility policies, actively participate in mandatory trainings sessions and drills. Firstly, it is important to educate clients about injury prevention policies and procedures, enabling them to comprehend and actively engage. For instance, explain to a very weak elderly client who relies on a walker the importance of requesting assistance when getting out of bed to prevent potential injuries from falls. Secondly, nurses must ensure that all equipment used in client care is in the proper working condition, and clients are familiar with their usage. Finally, numerous measures pertaining to fall prevention should be ensured, including:
2.3 Security
Nurses must be well-informed about and adhere to the security plans by the healthcare facility of their employment. These security plans are crafted based on recommendations and regulations from authoritative bodies such as The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, and the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (Burke, 2023b). The identified risks to clients encompass infant abduction, elopement, the potential entry of dangerous and violent individuals into the facility, and the risk of computers hacking leading to information or data theft (Burke, 2023b). Nurses are required to actively participate in mock drills and mandatory trainings sessions. The security systems in place issue warnings of violations, and mitigation strategies outlined by Burke (2023b) include:
According to Burke (2023b), if clients require evacuation, the nurse need to apply the following principles:
By the end of this learning experience, learners will gain insight into client safety, emphasizing environmental assessment, injury prevention, and client security.
The resources provided will enable learners to develop proficiency in ensuring the safety and security of their clients across diverse healthcare settings. The primary goals include success on the NCLEX examination and in the workplace.
After reviewing the resources, identify specific areas for improvements and concentrate on addressing those identified areas.
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