Psychosocial Integrity / Topic 3
Make sure to:
Clients may exhibit either obvious or hidden signs and symptoms of substance use disorders and/or chemical dependency. Given that these symptoms can pose life-threatening risks, nurses must promptly identify clients with substance use disorders and/or chemical dependency and work collaboratively assist in managing their healthcare.
In this learning experience, learners will acquire knowledge about assessing, caring for, and evaluating clients with substance use disorder and chemical dependence.
3.1 Assessment of Clients for Chemical Dependency and Substance Use Disorder
Clients with chemical dependency are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Those diagnosed with substance use disorder engage in repeated drugs and/or alcohol use, leading to clinical and functional impairments, such as disability, disorders, and difficulties in functioning at work, home, or school (Kaplan Nursing, 2023a). The severity of substance use disorders - mild, moderate, or severe - is determined by the number of diagnostic criteria met by the client. These criteria include evidence of impaired control, social impairment, risky use, and pharmacological criteria (Kaplan Nursing, 2023a).
According to Burke (2023), clients at high risk for substance abuse include those with:
When nurses assess these clients, they may observe signs and symptoms as outlined in Table 1.
Table 1
Some Assessment Findings of Chemical Dependency and Substance Use Disorder
Adapted from Kaplan Nursing. (2023b). NCLEX-RN Content Review Guide: Preparation for the NCLEX-RN Examination (9th ed.). Kaplan Test Prep
3.2 Plan Care of Clients with Chemical Dependency and Substance Use Disorder
When planning care for clients with chemical dependency and substance use disorder, nurses should be well-informed about the definitions of common terms, as outlined in Table 2.
Table 2
Common Terms and Their Definitions
Adapted from Burke, A. (2023). Chemical and Other Dependencies and Substance Abuse Disorder: NCLEX-RN.
Clients should receive education about their disorders, potential complications, and their treatment plans (Burke, 2023). Furthermore, nurses must follow the policies and procedures of their healthcare facility when planning client care. It is also essential for nurses to report any abnormal findings and adhere to the follow-up instructions provided by their clients' healthcare providers.
According to Burke (2023), Kaplan Nursing (2023a) and Kaplan Nursing (2023b), the plan of care for clients with chemical dependency and substance use disorder includes:
3.3 Evaluation of Clients' Response to Treatment
Nurses should evaluate their clients' response to treatment and adjust their care plans accordingly (Burke, 2023). This involves assessing if the client is:
Additionally, it is important to assess whether any injuries are being appropriately managed and if any nutritional deficiencies are under control, as applicable (Kaplan Nursing, 2023b).
At the end of this learning experience, learners will have acquired knowledge in assessing, caring for, and evaluating clients with substance use disorders and chemical dependency. The main goals are to prepare learners for success in the NCLEX examination and to improve their professional competencies in the workplace.
After reviewing the resources below, it is crucial to identify specific areas that require further improvement and focus on enhancing skills and understanding in these identified areas.
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