Psychosocial Integrity / Topic 5
Make sure to:
Clients entering healthcare facilities are confronted with both predictable and unpredictable events requiring effective coping strategies. Nurses play a pivotal role in facilitating these coping mechanisms, aiding clients in their journey back to wellness or achieving optimal health.
In this learning experience, learners will acquire knowledge and insights into effective coping mechanisms designed for clients undergoing stress.
5.1 Assessment of Client Resources
Nurses must consider the resources available to their clients during stressful life events, as these resources significantly influence their responses (Kaplan Nursing, 2023). Essential resources include their client's support systems and skills (Kaplan Nursing, 2023).
Support System
Clients may have access to various support systems, such as family members and community groups.
Clients need effective problem-solving and decision-making skills, alongside defense mechanisms, to cope with stress-related challenges (Kaplan Nursing, 2023). These challenges can range from financial difficulties, divorce, relocation, death of a loved one, parenthood and stressors of daily living (Burke, 2023). Such stresses can significantly disrupt client's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Nurses are tasked with identifying the defense mechanisms employed by their clients and evaluating their effectiveness. By doing so, nurses can support the continued use of beneficial defense mechanisms and educate those unfamiliar with these strategies on how they contribute to returning to wellness or achieving optimal health (Kaplan Nursing, 2023). According to Kaplan Nursing (2023) these defense mechanisms include:
5.2 Assessment of Client Adaptability
The care of clients coping with adverse events includes the assessment of their adaptability. Nurses play a pivotal role in aiding these individuals to adjust to changes, whether temporary and permanent (Burke, 2023). Some clients may experience temporary changes that:
Clients may better adjust to temporary changes by accepting help from their support network, thus protecting their self-worth and self-esteem from negative effects.
Conversely, other clients face permanent changes, including:
Clients undergoing such permanent changes may display signs of anxiety.
Assessing clients' adaptability and their responses to changes enables nurses to provide individualized interventions in their care (Burke, 2023). These interventions encompass:
5.3 Support of Clients with Body Image Changes
Burke (2023) discusses how nurses care for clients experiencing changes in body image due to various factors:
At the end of this learning experience, the learner will have acquired knowledge about the coping mechanisms clients employ during stressful situations. The main goals are to prepare learners for success in the NCLEX examination and to enhance their clinical competency.
After reviewing the resources, identify particular areas needing further improvement and focus on enhancing skills and deepening knowledge in these identified areas.
Kaplan Nursing. (2023). Next Generation NCLEX-RN Prep 2023-2024: Practice Test + Proven Strategies (9th ed.). Kaplan Test Prep.
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